Monday, December 21, 2009

Not My Child! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well, Wesley has NOT had a such a strange week that I am NOT going to substitute "Not Me!" Monday post with a "Not My Child!" Monday.

Here goes:

My child DOES NOT have paranoia issues. He NEVER believes that people in photos are staring at him. Furthermore, we NEVER catch him changing in his closet so that various family members hanging on his wall "won't see" him. Because he DOES NOT have this problem, he CERTAINLY WOULD NEVER turn a snowman soap dispenser and Santa figurine around so that they couldn't "see" him while visiting the bathroom!


While on a "date" with my son to a Christmas concert by the Annie Moses Band, he MOST CERTAINLY DID NOT pass gas not once, but multiple times during the concert.  Even if it were my child (which it WASN'T) it WOULD NOT be so gut-wrenchingly hideous as to burn the inside of my nose leaving me with the desire to apologize to all the people around us who pretended not to notice.


Okay, so I will admit that my son does in fact have an obsession with Indiana Jones. However, his obsession DOES NOT go so far as to include swiping a chocolate-flavored chapstick and smearing it all over his face in the hopes of obtaining that five-o'clock shadow that Harrison Ford sported so well in the movies.


Being that we have a very empathetic, sometimes too gentle and kind child, Wesley would NEVER reinact the famous scene from A Christmas Story in which Ralphie, being fed up with the school bully, shoves him to the ground and starts wailing on him. To make matters worse (if this actually did happen--WHICH IT DIDN'T) it certainly WOULD NOT have happened at church! You see, Wes is NOT such a neurotic great friend that he can't bear to see someone else sit next to his "very best friend." If anyone dared to sit next to said best friend, he MOST CERTAINLY WOULD NOT take matters into his own hands and make sure that his seat was not "stolen" by another kid.


And lastly, my precious son would NEVER EVER bust out in spontaneous prayer while watching an ambulance pull into the parking lot of a local restaurant. It certainly WOULDN'T go anything like this: "Dear God, please help the people not be too hurt. And God, make them better and get well soon."



Sunday, December 13, 2009

Awesome Giveaway!

Okay, so it's not ME giving away anything, rather, me trying to win a giveaway. MckMama is giving away a HP Touchsmart to one amazingly blessed person on Christmas Eve. To gain multiple entries, I have to comment on her blog post, Facebook about the contest, and finally, blog about the contest. Entries one and two are complete, so here is my blog post about the contest, granting me a third entry. Check out this amazing computer at the HP website and the chance for the drawing at MckMama's website.

Just don't enter...I want to win!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Calling all Facebook users!

Does your life seem to revovle around status updates and increasing your Farkle score?! It's okay to admit it, we're all friends here. I have a solution to ease your FB guilt: become a fan of Chase Community Giving and help us deluge them with votes for the following organizations: Emma's Hugs and Batten Disease Support and Research Association. There is a precious family in our church who's daughter, Emma, suffers from this devastating disease. With their steadfast faith in our Great Physician and their candid blog on daily life with Batten Disease, they are a personal inspiration to our family and the focus of many a prayer!

Put that clicking finger to good use and neglect your farm or flair wall for just a few minutes and click on the following links that will take you straight to the voting pages for these two organizations.

Emma's Hugs

Batten Disease Support and Research Association

Better yet, update your status, send out notifications, and spread the word about Emma and Batten Disease.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Who would've thought I'd be excited about a Monday?! But I am in need of some serious Not Me! Monday therapy. If you don't mind, I'd like to stretch out on your cyber couch and spill my guts. Not about how I blame all my problems on my mom (which, even if I did have problems, I certainly wouldn't blame them on my sweet Mama!), but rather to fess up to all the horrible mommy moments I've had lately! It's been a while, so this may be a lengthy session! Start the session timer...

You would NEVER find me resorting to "refreshing" my son's underwear in the dryer after my frantic search for clean clothes proved unfruitful! I mean really, who would ever do such a thing?! NOT ME!

NEVER would I carelessly forget to remove my MOPS car magnet before entering the automatic car wash at the gas station. If I would happen to have done such a thing (which I DIDN'T), it certainly WOULDN'T take me all of a week to figure it out!

Christmas was NOT almost cancelled at our house after a minor disagreement with WGH over the placement of the furniture to accomodate our Christmas tree. Furthermore, said disagreement would NEVER include a debate over my wanting to remove WGH's beloved recliner from the livingroom to make a place for the tree. If this incident did occur at our house, it would NOT end by me declaring that WGH would be responsible for finding new homes for the furnitre and putting up the tree, followed by my tweeking his furniture rearranging abilities while he was bathing our kids. I would NEVER behave so childishly! NOPE, NOT ME!

Since our children are our top priority and we NEVER lose sight of caring for their every need, I would NEVER neglect my son's dental hygiene at the expense of his getting NOT one, but four cavities! Even if I would've been guilty of such a travesty, I assuredly would NEVER feel worse if my sweet son had said, "Mommy I forgive you for letting me get cavities!"

When I mentioned I needed the therapy of Not Me! Monday, it was NOT an excuse to avoid cleaning house. Moveover, it was NOT a much needed distraction from the lockdown imposed on my kiddos' preschool and sister's college due to a manhunt for an escaped convict. If this was a scenario from our lives, it would CERTAINLY end with us all back home safe and sound (albeit, anxiously waiting for the capture of the convict)!

Ahhhhhh! I feel better! Thank you for letting me vent on your couch! If you feel the need to charge me for this session, just drop an invoice in the mail. Hopefully it will be covered by my insurance, because who would pay it? NOT ME!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

It seems that my newly-turned five-year-old is the star of this week’s Wordy Wednesday. Wes never ceases to amaze us with his observations and sometimes never-ending conversations. Sometimes serious, sometimes hilarious, always thought-provoking, Wes certainly gives me plenty of fodder for blogging!

This week at his five-year checkup, our brand new pediatrician got a full dose of our precious (and precocious) son! The introductions went something like this:

Dr. G: Hi Wesley, how are you today?

Wes: I’m not sick; I’m just here for my five-year checkup. I don’t need ANY shots!

A few moments later…

Wes: (holding a soldier action figure) Dr. G, this soldier is from Indiana Jones part four and he’s a bad guy. Do you know what kind of soldier he is?

Dr. G: No sir.

Wes: It’s a German soldier. German soldiers that are bad are called Nazis. We don’t like Nazis ‘cuz they did bad things.

Dr. G: (looking strangely at me) I see.

Nice introduction, don’t you think?!

Because the church was hosting a Judgment House for Halloween, Wesley’s preschool class had to be relocated for a week so that it could be transformed into “Heaven.” The Monkey class teachers decided to take their class to visit “Heaven” and needless to say, Wesley was a little excited to share with us all about his trip. When his Mema came over to visit he exclaimed, “Mema, today I went to Heaven and I didn’t even have to die!”

Enjoy the rest of the week! We sure will!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Boy could I give you quite the anthology of wild and crazy things my kiddos have said this past week! It never ceases to amaze me the things they say. And it truly blows my mind when I consider the things that run through their minds that they never verbally express! One of my most favorite things about raising my children is that my husband and I get to rediscover the world with them. So many times we take for granted how things appear or work, but listening to the observations of children seem to put it in a new perspective.

Take today for instance. Wes and I had to go in to see our allergist. Because of a very eventful night (that included very little sleep for our entire household), I let Jilly skip school--no need to terrorize her fellow preschoolers (or teachers for that matter) with any fatigue-induced fits! So she was able to tag along on our doctor visit. If you recall
this visit to the allergist, you can only imagine what conversations could have possibly been had today! After exams and discussion with the doctor, a head x-ray was ordered for Wes to check for a possible sinus infection. Upon entering the dark x-ray room, the following was heard:

Technician: "Okay Wes, I'm going to sit you in this chair and put this cool apron on you. Then I'm going to use this machine to take a picture of your head."

Wes: (eyes as wide as saucers at the sight of all the equipment) "Are you gonna suck out all my memories?!"

Where does he come up with that stuff?

And then back in the examination room, Jilly was trying to make sense of what had just happened to her brother.

Jilly: "Did you see that cross (referring to the cross-shaped shadow from the x-ray machine) on the back of brother's head? That is the cross Jesus died on. But he didn't know why he was dying on brother's head. It was just the bad men who put him there."

Oh my! I guess we really need to clarify some things about the Easter story with our three-year-old!

And since I promised you here that I had a laundry related Jilly-ism to share, I'm certainly not about to go back on my word!

Last Thursday, Jilly decided that she needed a mommy-daughter day (translated: HOOKY). When I told her that girls too sick to go to preschool had to go home and rest and not play, she asked me if I would rest with her. When I responded, "No sugar, I have to do laundry." She exclaimed, "Ohhhh, LAUNDRY!! I loooove laundry! If I help you with laundry Mommy, I'll feel so better!"

Let's see if you hold to that opinion when you're ten!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Since I haven't participated in "Not me!" in quite a while, you might be thinking I've got quite the laundry list to share. NOT ME! While the list certainly is NOT long, I WON'T spare you the details by hitting the high points.

I MOST DEFINITELY HAVE NOT been using the claim of having a ton of laundry to catch up on as an excuse to sit and catch up on seasons worth of television shows! My family always has plenty of clean underwear and clothes and WOULD NEVER have to remind me of their lack thereof by leaving empty dresser drawers open as a hint!

As long as we're on the subject of laundry, you'd NEVER catch me having to sit on my hands in order to keep from refolding the clothes that my sweet Jilly folded.

And NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS would I secretly hide my joy at the fact that said sweet daughter seems to absolutely love helping fold the mountains of laundry that seem to plague our home. I TRULY WOULD NEVER save such proclamations of undying love for all things fabric-softened for a future "Wordy Wednesday" post!

We had our first MOPS meeting at our new church this month. What an awesome group of ladies! It was such a blessing to be paired up with some wonderful, beautiful, fun, and intelligent moms that the name "Looney Ladies" would NEVER pop in my head every time I recall the actual name of our table, "Lunar Ladies." Who knows, with all the giggling that was going on at our table, everyone else might have thought we were a little looney!

Being the totally on-top-of-things mom that I am, NEVER would I discover my daughter at the table feeding herself lunch because her mommy and brother were too busy deciding on whether to keep or purge one of the fifty million Lightning McQueen cars in his collection. Furthermore, I CERTAINLY WOULDN'T take pictures of her eating her self-made lunch of Honey Nut Cheerios instead of making her a different lunch!

When my precious Wes brought home his first-ever homework pages to complete, I WAS NOT panic-stricken at 8:30 Sunday night upon discovering said homework. Wild pandemonium to complete the assignments amidst typical bedtime routines DID NOT ensue. NEITHER did tears of realization that my boy will be five in a month. NOPE, NOT from this tough momma.

Don't let me have all the fun by myself! Why don't you breathe a sigh of relief from the freedom of airing your "dirty laundry?!" As for me, I MOST ASSUREDLY AM NOT off to fold more laundry!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Wordy Wednesday is my meager attempt at a blog carnival showcasing the various things that can be heard around our house. If your household is anything like mine, there is always a lively discussion about something! From the differences between green or yellow faces on school progress reports to whether or not Luke Skywalker has Jesus in his heart, you can sure bet there are many deep--not to mention silly, sad, and sometimes even gross--conversations to be had.

Here are a few things that could be overheard in our home this past week:

Jilly, while helping me change the sheets on my bed: "Okay Mommy, now it's time for the comfortable."

Wesley has been pondering the afterlife lately. Well, actually, he's been downright obsessed with it! And not just death, but the ideas of Heaven and Hell, as well as salvation through Jesus Christ. I have to admit, he really has been keeping me on my toes. Despite the fact that I grew up in church and have a personal knowledge of the love and grace offered to us through the atoning sacrifice of Christ, I am struggling with just how much to explain to Wes. He is very inquisitive and really comes up with some mind-blowing observations for a 4-year-old. Consider this scenario which took place over lunch:

Wes: "Mommy, I want to go to Heaven now, when I'm a kid."

Me: "Oh, Wesley, I would be so sad if you left me. Of course I would be happy that you were in Heaven, but Mommy and Daddy would miss you so much. We would be very sad."

Wes: "Don't be sad Mommy. You'll be with me again one day."

What about you? If walls could talk (oh and how I'm so very thankful they don't!), what would they recount? Post a comment telling us what crazy/goofy/thoughtful/etc. things have been said in your house recently. Who knows, maybe we're not the only house that has discussions regarding where Han Solo will spend eternity!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Some of my fellow bloggers participate in what is called Wordless Wednesday where all that they post is a priceless picture, usually of adorable children. The photos usually are the kind that speak volumes without the need of a written word. From tickles to tears, I love those photos!

Being the rebel that I am--those who have known me for quite some time now are probably snorting at my obvious misrepresentation of myself--I am choosing to do a Wordy Wednesday. I promise not to crank out a novel (in addition to my totally unrebellious nature, I was also once known for being rather verbose), but rather turn this post over to the hilarious, insane, but often insightful ramblings of my two precious preschoolers.

Are you ready for this?!

A few days ago, my Transformers-addicted son was wondering why one of the animated characters was so rude. I explained to him that the character was arrogant and then proceeded to explain to him what that meant. He went on watching his cartoon, seemingly happy with my explanation. Days later, we were reading the awesome children's book The Rough-Faced Girl. Looking at one of the illustrations, Wesley exclaimed, "Mommy, those sisters are asparagant!" Well, he does love his veggies...

While watching Annie (and no, we don't spend the majority of our time in front of the TV!), Jilly was concerned about the girls not having mommies and daddies. However, she did not understand why the orphans were so sad. In my attempt to teach her empathy, I asked, "Jilly, if Mommy died, wouldn't you be so sad?" Her response: "Yes Mommy, but I just go get a new Mommy at Office Depot."

Gee thanks Jill! Maybe I should go buy a few extras next time they're on sale.

I've got some wordy kids huh?! How about some more!

This next Jilly transaction took place between Jilly and her Mema while they were in the backyard. Mema was blowing bubbles for Jilly to pop, but popping was not on Jillian's agenda. As the bubbles floated by, Jilly watched them dance in the breeze and sighed, "There goes my dreams!" Can anyone say, "Drama Queen?!"

My favorite wordy moment occurred while we were watching (again with the television!) Grandpa & Mema's wedding video, which featured a very young Mommy and Aunt Minda. Somewhere during the ceremony, Jillian queries, "Mema, are you and Grandpa married?" Mema answers, "Yes, we are." The follow-up ensues: "Are you husband and wife?" Again, Mema answers, "Yes Jilly." Very nonchalantly, Wes chimes in, "You get what you get."

Yes, Wesley, indeed you do!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I am alive and Photoshopping!

Looking at my Blogger dashboard, it appears that I have neglected my blog for quite some time! I am here to assure you that we are alive and well, but extremely busy! "Busy doing what?" you might ask. Well since you asked...vacation, Vacation Bible School, visiting old friends (well, not that they're OLD...but I sure do feel old seeing how big their kiddos are now), making new friends, vacation (yes, another one!), and learning new techniques on Photoshop!

Whew! That sounds like a lot, but if you throw in attacking massive loads of laundry, swimming in the backyard, reading If You Will Ask by Oswald Chambers, chatting endlessly with my little sister, and learning Indiana Jones LEGO on the Xbox, it really sounds like I've had NO time to blog!

So just to get back in the swing of things, I'm going to do a hit and run post. After all, I've got photos to Photoshop.

Is that an actual verb?! Well, it is now!

Mckmama gave this Photoshop tutorial on making antique-looking photos awhile back and I am just now getting around to trying it out. Needless to say, I am hooked!

Here are the fruits of my labor:



Wasn't that cool! Run on over to Mckmama's tutorial to check out how I did that.

You didn't think I'd write a post without the obligatory pictures of my kiddos did you?!

That would be insane!

Enjoy your weekend! Can you guess what I'll be doing?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Red, White, but Certainly NOT Blue!

Billowing flags, cold watermelon, oohs and aahs over the rockets red glare, grilled hot dogs. What a way to celebrate the anniversary of our great nation achieving its freedom! This July 4th, our family will gather at the beautiful Texas coast and enjoy the long (albeit HOT) weekend with great food, fun, and fellowship. Ever present in our minds is the sacrifice made by the brave men and women who have fought to maintain what our founding fathers envisioned so many years ago. We will praise our Creator for the unalienable Rights that We the People enjoy without even realizing the price many paid for it. If you have never read the Declaration of Independence or The Constitution of the United States, I encourage you to click on the links in the previous sentence. It will definitely make you realize that today our nation is heading down a path opposite what the founding fathers intended.

Before I launch into a political tirade (which I have been careful to avoid on my blog because I tend to get a little worked up which leads to my inability to adequately express a logical thought, unlike my good friend
Kunta), let me tell you what we will NOT be celebrating this holiday weekend: the color blue.

That's right, you heard me correctly. Our fourth of July will be all about Old Glory, minus the blue. Betsy Ross is probably turning over in her grave!

A while back, my son Wesley developed a case of
cyanophobia while away for a weekend with his grandparents. For whatever reason, he is afraid of the color blue. We're talking, major meltdown, panic-stricken screams, etc. To top it off, its a highly selective fear, sometimes striking without any warning and other times failing to appear despite bracing ourselves for a seemingly likely occurrence. For instance, he had no problem picking blueberries and blackberries using a blue bucket.

But, he is petrified of his blue sheets on his bed and would refuse to sleep under the covers.

Strange, I know.

So what's a mom to do (I say mom because WGH actually has to work for a living, leaving me to "do")? Do we force him to face and conquer his fear? Do we cave in and remove any hint of blue from our lives? Well, I guess we sort of met in the middle. Since sleeping is kind of a big deal (well, at least to me it is), we decided to cater to Wesley's fear by revamping his bedroom. The main problem was my lack of desire (or funds) to repaint his burnt orange room--and no, I am not declaring my undying support of UT! We just liked the color! So we transformed the Cars-themed (well, sorta) room into a homage (sorta) to our military, in which we have several family members both past and present. Here's the big reveal:

Full size set of olive green sheets: $20

Spray paint to revamp picture frames and other accessories: $4

Bandannas for bed skirt, throw pillow, and window topper: $15

Flat sheets to make reversible curtains: $20

Scrapbook paper for initials and photo mats: $5

Son's ability to sleep comfortably under his covers: PRICELESS

Wes loves his new room! Most of the items now in there are just retreads from the previous room. Thank you Jenny for the spray paint inspiration! I have a few photos of family in the military that I am working on printing and framing. And in case you couldn't tell, the photo of the photo is my dad jumping out of a perfectly good airplane while in jump school when he was in the Army National Guard where he served as a jump sergeant. The blank spot under his initials is still a work in progress. Perhaps the local recruiting office will have some posters...

Here is a great craft idea for the 4th. My kids loved it! Please be aware that my son was not scarred in any way by this craft! He simply refused to touch any blue paint!

Amidst all the grilling, swimming, laughing, and lounging, don't forget to thank a Veteran for their service to our country. Be sure to send a few prayers heavenward for our troops at home and abroad. Without them, there would be no Independence Day.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dump Cake, Part One

I figured it was time to update the ol' blog. It has been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything and I didn't want you to think I'd fallen off the face of the earth or anything...

Unfortunately, that means you get the dump cake version of our last few weeks. Just like a dump cake, it will look highly random and perhaps slightly questionable, but the end result is super sweet! So grab a cup of coffee and have some dump cake:

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Frederick Style

It is no secret that, while I love my home tremendously, I do object to several of the "cookie cutter home" standard features (basic faucets, ugly standard light fixtures, ceiling fans, etc.) However, those are things that we can replace and update when we have time (and MONEY!). So I promise that I did not sabotage my plain, standard, cookie-cutter home installed kitchen faucet so that WGH would replace it. Honest! After all, who enjoys getting a surprise shower while washing dishes? Trust me, I would not stoop so low. Nevertheless, I am so excited that I now have a more aesthetically pleasing faucet in my kitchen (and WGH picked it out himself). Have mentioned lately that I do have the World's Greatest Husband?! Don't even think about arguing with me on it. I'm sure your husbands are great, but definitely NOT the world's greatest!

But I digress...I was so excited about my new faucet that I decided to have a photo shoot with my new faucet. She was a willing participant!

Isn't she beautiful?!

Dust and Mold and Grass, Oh My!

My poor baby boy has so much trouble with his allergies! When we took him to the allergy doctor (click here for his drama-laden exchange with the doctor), the dreaded allergy test was prescribed. Here are a few of the pics from the oh-so-sad visit:

Overall, the visit went well. The nurse who performed the test is the mom of a former student (from my super special Class of 2004) and they allowed Wes to bring his favorite DVD to watch while we waited. The pokes you see in the photo above were administered in 3 sections of 8, so he only felt the 24 total pokes 3 times. Then he got to wait it out for 20 minutes while watching The Backyardigans.

Mommy got to follow in Wesley's footsteps the following week with my own allergy test. I was kidding myself when I thought my test would be like Wesley's. No such luck. I had over 50 pokes administered to the inner forearm! And that was only stage one! The second stage included over 30 needle injections to my upper arms. Can you say OUCH (if I were the swearing type, I might of let a few slip, but I'm not, so I didn't)! God is good though. The nurses in the office are Christians and had our local Contemporary Christian station on the radio, so I was able to focus my thoughts on things a little more reassuring!

The result?

  • Mold: Wes (1 mold) Mom (all molds)

  • Dust: Wes and Mom (all dust)

  • Grass: Mom (all grass)

  • Cat: Wes and Mom (again, Mom has it worse!)

  • Dog: Wes and Mom (no family pet in the future for us--Sorry Jilly!)

The final conclusion?

  • Rip out the carpet

  • Buy air purifiers for mine and Wesley's bedrooms

  • Totally encase our mattress, box springs, and pillows with allergy barrier coverings.

  • Wash in hot water every week any washable items and wipe down any non-washable items (beyond typical dusting).

The lesson learned?

  • Yes, I am in fact "sick of housework"

  • Do not wash curtains in hot water after you have installed the curtain hardware. Same applies to bedskirts. Good thing I needed to replace those anyway...

3 Going on 13!

Jilly got a haircut last week. She loves going to the salon because our awesome stylist straightens her hair. For the rest of the day Jilly flips her hair and runs her fingers through it. Mommy and Daddy, however, were not so thrilled after this last visit:

Doesn't she look way too old for a three-year-old?! Flash forwards to "But Mom, everyone else is doing it!" innundate my thoughts! I thought WGH would have a heart attack. This really made me regret the lament I posted a while back.

So I've noticed that this post is entirely too long! For those who are still hanging around, bloodshot eyes and all, I'll let you rest your eyes.

Come back later for another helping of Dump Cake!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to">her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Can you guess around what my entire week revolved?! If not, just sit back and check it out:

I DID NOT spend all of last week rushing around getting ready for Jillian's third birthday. Furthermore, I WAS NOT frustrated over the vague "angel" theme that Miss Priss insisted on having. Do you realize how little there is out there for an angel-themed party?! I certainly WASN'T a tinsy bit relieved that quite a few on the guest list was unable to attend (we still had 40 people there). After all, we certainly ARE NOT the type of family that packs way too many friends and relatives in our medium-sized house. Even if we were, it certainly WOULDN'T be for the cuddliest curly-headed cutie you've ever seen!

Given the fact that we are a family with allergies (namely, Wes and myself) I WOULD NEVER dream of getting a puppy for the kids after seeing Wesley with my nieces' adorable pug puppy.

Speaking of allergies, at Wesley's new patient visit to a local allergist on Wednesday, the following conversation DID NOT occur:

Doctor: "So, what brings Mr. Wesley into the office today?"

Mom: "Well..."

Wesley: [interrupts] "My eyes itch. My nose itches. I'm sneezing and itching and if you don't take this mold out of my head I'll die."

Mom: "No Wes, you won't die from your mold allergy,"

Wesley: "I will if my head falls off!"

And we thought Jillian was the Drama Queen!

Have you ever seen such a sweet angel?! NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS would I have to threaten said angel with no birthday party if she did not cease her back-talking, bickering, and all around bad attitude! Her mommy certainly DID NOT have to tuck her devil tail under that precious little dress and hide the pitchfork prior to the guests arrival!

Pride was NOT evident on my face when my son lovingly insisted on being next to his sister at the table. And I certainly WOULD NEVER insist that he stop kissing and hugging his sister so she could blow out her candles! NEVER will you hear me admit to somehow, someway getting rid of all the left over cupcakes. The words "going on a diet" WILL NOT be uttered from my mouth this week! Who could ever love homemade buttercream icing? NOT ME!

With all the scrambling to shop, clean, bake, set up, decorate, hostess, serve, clean, and put away new presents (whew, I'm exhausted just from listing all that!), you will NEVER EVER hear me say that I am the happiest woman in the world. With a family like this, why would I?!

All right, now it's your turn! Join in on the fun by blogging on what you HAVEN'T been up to this past week and then following the instructions on MckMama's blog.

Have a great week!

Butterflies to Chase