Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Valentines

Naturally when it comes to thinking about Valentine's Day, the first person that comes to mind is my husband Kevin, who also happens to be the Best Husband in the World (even though I have no hope for flowers today). Just thought I'd clarify that in case you were under the assumption that your husband claimed that title ;)

However, and I think I can safely speak for Kevin as well, our kids are the greatest gifts God could have ever bestowed on us. The love they shower on us daily reminds me of just how much God loves us and that He gives us so much more than we deserve. They bless our life in so many ways. Just when I think that they couldn't make me feel anymore happy/loved/blessed they go and do something else to make me want to exclaim "My cup runneth over!"

One of the things I love the most about my kiddos is the way they play so well together. That's one of the reasons why we had them closer together (they're 19 months apart). Of course they inevitably resort to fighting when one takes the other's beloved toy (aka the one they have at the moment), but overall they entertain each other in such as way as to secretly entertain their Mommy!

Here they are playing together at the window on a beautiful day that was too windy for us to be outside (who knew living in Baytown would be so windy).

Such moments are very common in our household. Of course I would be remiss if I failed to mention that we have a multitude of meltdowns as well. There are days that we are tested beyond belief and I ask aloud "What next?!" But even in the meltdowns, we are reminded of the incredible love God has for us. It blows my mind to try to even comprehend the extent of God's love for His children. In the midst of the chaos of life, God never ceases to leave us reminders, like little valentines, of his infinite love: beautiful sunrises, randoms act of kindness, sweet kisses from little lips, blooming flowers despite cold weather, laughs around the dinner table at goofy faces made by a silly little girl, the miraculous recovery of an injured loved one, the sacrifice of an only Son for the redemption of the world. This is what love is.
I know that I am loved by my Heavenly Father and that makes this Valentine's Day so much more special.

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