Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Little Mr. Monk

We have a little joke in our household about how obsessive compulsive Wes seems to be about some things. Don't even think about putting on his shirt before his pants, because "pants go first!" If you happen to do the unthinkable and but his shirt on first, look out. Fortunately for us, he is able to dress himself. He repeats his little "pants go first" mantra as he gets dressed though! This is not the only OCD behavior our little neat freak displays. Water on clothes, dirt on hands, and any other filthy combo like that also results in a meltdown. It is because of this I have labeled him my "Little Mr. Monk." You know, that OCD detective on TV portrayed by Tony Shaloub. You know how Monk touches every parking meter he comes across? This is total Wes behavior! Unfortunately the OCD characteristic is no where to be found when it comes to cleaning up the play room. A mom can dream can't she?!

So Kevin was helping the kids get ready for bed the other night and was having difficulty closing Wes' window blinds. Upon further investigation, he discovered...

Yes, they are all perfectly aligned and catorgized in some way that Wes tried to explain to me (it was obviously too logical for my simple mind to comprehend). Cars are at the beginning and all the way at the end is Thomas and Friends. Kevin insisted on my capturing Wes' antics for posterity (or just to embarrass him when he is a teen).

Here's the full shot...

1 comment:

  1. I think He is going to be a very smart child and make something out of his self if he is that neat adn orderly . Juliet


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